Phoenix Bypass Closet Doors
Bypass Closet Doors
By-pass interior sliding doors come in a variety of styles, including beautiful mirror wardrobe sliding doors and standard design sliding doors, each designed to match your home’s existing door style.

Love What Doors Do
Mirrored doors offer a great way to enlarge the look of a room, and when selecting mirrored sliding closet doors you can increase both the look of a room and the available space, and you're able to equip your sliding closet doors with an automatic locking mechanism, making it difficult for children to find their way into your closet. Because sliding closet doors use rollers and rails, you should make sure these doors are accurately installed for the most efficient operation. One Day Doors & Closets offers high-quality hardware which will glide smoothly, with heavy-duty tracks and rollers that will keep the doors on the tracks for years beyond purchase.
Call your local One Day Retailer today to for a free consultation!